/* * Program to calculate the analemma as a function of the sun's declination. * * Extreme values for the difference in right ascension or hour angle of the sun * and mean sun are computed. * * Two methods are used for computation of the true anomaly. * * Approximate method gives extremes of -16 min 20 sec and +14 min 11 sec *Extreme differences are plus 14 minutes 16 seconds and -16 minutes 24 seconds * Exact method gives extremes of -16 min 24 sec and +14 min 16 sec * * Influence of other planets, parallax, refraction, precession * and aberration are not taken into account. * * The notion of a mean sun involves a value for its RA during the year that * on the average is as close to that of the sun as possible. One method of determining * the location of the mean sun is to estimate its RA for perigee, compute the EoT for the * year and sum the values of the EoT. Ideally the sum should be zero. If it is not * one may alter the value of the RA and perform the calculation again. Repeated such * calculations allows one to converge on a value for the RA of the mean sun at * perigee that gives a value of zero for the sum of the EoT. * That process leads to a value that is numerically very close * to the numerical value of the ecliptic longitude for the sun at perigee. * The actual value for the RA of the sun at perigee that gives a zero sum of the EoT differs * from W by 0.00039735 degrees. * * Reference for values and more information: * "Practical Astronomy with your calculator", Third Edition, Peter Duffett-Smith */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> double W=282.768422; /* angle of vernal equinox with respect to perihelion (in degrees) (epoch 1990) */ double e=.016713; /* eccentricity of earth/sun elipse (epoch 1990) */ double R=360/365.242191; /* angle of movement in siderial day (in degrees) (epoch 1990) */ double obl=23.441884; /* obliquity of ecliptic (in degrees) (epoch 1990) */ double eps=.00000001; /* precision used for calculation of anomaly */ double F=.1; /* fraction of day interval between output values */ int method=1; /* method=0 approximation for v, method!=0 use more accurate method */ double PI=3.14159265358979323846; /* value of pi */ FILE *fp; void doCalculation(),getAngles(); double getV(),floor(),sin(),cos(),tan(),sqrt(),atan(),fabs(); double maxDiff,minDiff; int main(void) { int min,sec; printf("Starting calculation with the following values --\n\n"); printf("W=%lf\n",W); printf("e=%lf\n",e); printf("R=%.8lf\n",R); printf("obl=%lf\n",obl); printf("\n"); printf("eps=%.8lf\n",eps); printf("F=%lf\n",F); if(method==0)printf("Using approximate calculation of E\n\n"); else printf("Using more accurate calculation of E\n\n"); if((fp=fopen("output","w"))==NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file (output)!\n");exit(1);} doCalculation(); min=floor(maxDiff*60/15); /* calculate diff in minutes and seconds */ sec=(maxDiff*60/15-min)*60; printf("Extreme differences are plus %d minutes %d seconds and -",(int)min,(int)sec); minDiff=-minDiff; min=floor(minDiff*60/15); /* calculate diff in minutes and seconds */ sec=(minDiff*60/15-min)*60; printf("%d minutes %d seconds\n",min,sec); fclose(fp); return(0); } void doCalculation() { double M; /* mean anomaly in degrees */ double Mr; /* mean anomaly in radians */ double Vr; /* true anomaly in radians */ double Lr; /* ecliptic longitude */ double Wr; /* ecliptic longitude of perigee */ double alpha; /* right ascension of sun with respect to vernal equinox */ double delta; /* declination of sun with respect to plane of equator */ double alphaM; /* right ascension of mean sun */ double Rx,Ry,Rz; /* vector pointing to sun in equatorial coordinates */ double diff; /* difference in right ascension of sun and mean sun */ double delM; /* to adjust W to give a zero sum of EoT over the year */ double sinObl; double cosObl; double del,piover180; int min,sec; piover180=PI/180; Wr=W*piover180; sinObl=sin(obl*piover180); cosObl=cos(obl*piover180); maxDiff=minDiff=0; del=F*R; /* increment in mean anomaly */ delM=0.00039735; /* value that zeros the sum of EoT of the year */ for(M=0;M<=360;M+=del) { Mr=piover180*M; if(method==0) Vr=Mr+2*e*sin(Mr); else Vr=getV(Mr); Lr=Vr+Wr; /* ecliptic longitude of sun */ /* convert from eliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates */ Rx=cos(Lr); Ry=cosObl*sin(Lr); Rz=sinObl*sin(Lr); getAngles(Rx,Ry,Rz,&alpha,&delta); alphaM=M+W+delM; /* right ascension of mean sun in equatorial coordinates */ diff=alpha-alphaM; /* difference in right ascension between sun and mean sun */ if(diff<0)diff=diff+360; /* compute extreme values of difference */ if(diff>maxDiff)maxDiff=diff; if(diff<minDiff)minDiff=diff; /* output values to file */ fprintf(fp,"%lf %lf ",diff,delta); if(diff<0) { diff=-diff; min=floor(diff*60/15); /* calculate diff in minutes and seconds */ sec=(diff*60/15-min)*60; fprintf(fp,"-%d:%d\n",min,sec); } else { min=floor(diff*60/15); /* calculate diff in minutes and seconds */ sec=(diff*60/15-min)*60; fprintf(fp,"%d:%d\n",min,sec); } } return; } double getV(Mr) double Mr; { double Er,delEr,del,Vr,tanVover2; /* solve the equation Er-e*sin(Er)=Mr (Kepler's equation) */ /* Er is the eccentric anomaly in radians */ Er=Mr; /* set initial approximation for Er */ while(1) { del=Er-e*sin(Er)-Mr; if(fabs(del)<eps)break; delEr=del/(1-e*cos(Er)); Er=Er-delEr; } /* compute Vr from Er */ tanVover2= tan(Er/2)*sqrt((1+e)/(1-e)); Vr= atan(tanVover2)*2; return(Vr); } void getAngles(Rx,Ry,Rz,pAlpha,pDelta) double Rx,Ry,Rz; double *pAlpha,*pDelta; { double RAr,PDr,cosPD,tanPD; if(Rx != 0) { RAr= atan(Ry/Rx); if(RAr > 0 && Ry < 0 && Rx < 0) RAr= PI+RAr; if(RAr < 0) { if(Ry < 0 && Rx > 0) RAr= 2*PI+RAr; if(Ry > 0 && Rx < 0) RAr= PI+RAr; } if(RAr == 0 && Rx < 0) RAr= PI; } else { if(Ry != 0) { if(Ry > 0) RAr=PI/2; else RAr= 3*PI/2; } else RAr= 0; } cosPD=Rz; if(cosPD != 0) { tanPD= sqrt(1-cosPD*cosPD)/cosPD; PDr= atan(tanPD); if(cosPD < 0) PDr= PI+PDr; } else PDr= PI/2; *pDelta= 90-PDr*180/PI; *pAlpha= RAr*180/PI; return; }