The Uniglobe is a WORLD GLOBE immediately surrounded by a transparent CELESTIAL GLOBE upon which are marked the stars and other pertinent celestial data. The two globes are supported by a YOKE MOUNT which rests in a slotted BASE for orienting the AXIS toward any direction. A braking system allows the celestial globe to be turned independently and the two globes to be turned simultaneously. A TIME RING at the equator of the celestial globe allows setting of the earth and celestial globes according to the time of day. The time ring is movable allowing use of any of the systems of time measurement in use.

 A measuring device, the SPANNER, allows determination of zenith angle and bearing of a celestial object from any pont on the earth. A POINTER indicates the direction of a celestial object at a given time and conversely, when the pointer is directed towards the sun, the Uniglobe becomes a sundial. The Uniglobe is supplied with a SATELLITE SPANNER for indicating the region of visibility of a satellite and a GREAT CIRCLE BAND for indicating satellite orbits. A graphical and tabular ephemeris is supplied to allow plotting of the positions of the sun, moon and planets.
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