From my teenage years, I have been interested in my ancestors. They were Mennonites from Switzerland who came to Pennsylvania in 1748 and 1749. Keeping track of them presented me with a challenge that I knew would engage me at some point in my life. In 1981, with my first computer, an IBM PC, I began to develop genealogy software. When I acquired a Macintosh I chose the HyperCard programming language to develop my software. When Hypercard was discontinued, I continued with LiveCode. Over the years my genealogy software has grown in capability.
As my ancestor database grew, my contacts with others interested in the Wenger family led me to create a Wenger family book published in 2000. This record of the descendants of the three immigrant sons of Hans and Hannah Wenger, my direct ancestors, is available on CD in PDF format. The four volume, 4,000 page document may be viewed via the links below.
With contributions from many others, my genealogy database now contains over 481,000 names and is still growing. The database is available via the web here and here.
Information about the database may be found here.
The drawing above is of the spring house, built in 1798, still standing on the homestead property of Hans Wenger in Jonestown, PA.
The drawing was done by Lisa Garber and provided courtesy of Rollin Reinheimer, who lived in the Hans Wenger home at one time.
Below is a photo of the Wenger Meeting House, built on the Wenger Cemetery which is on the Wenger homestead property.

Information about the Wenger Meeting House may be found here.
I have some books that I no longer need. Books may be ordered for $20.00 each. Send check to Daniel Wenger 231 Chilverton St. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 831-477-1091
Emanuel Martin History 1691 - 1984 compiled by Naomi Heckman 1984
Abram W. Sollenberger Family by Samuel Grove Sollenberger 1968
Mother's Whirring-Wheel Rug, A. Lady Family Genealogy, Eunice Lady Wingert and husband, 1978
The Brechbill Family History (Part I), Earl D. Brechbill and Amos L. Brechbill, 1972